The Composers of Mesopotamian Night 2013

Mesopotamian Night 2013 has enlisted an impressive list of emerging Assyrian composers (Samuel Khangaldy, George Somi, Honiball Yousef and Tiglat Issabey), a French composer (Michel Bosc) and an American composer (Devin Farney) for the June 15th event at the...

An Analysis of William Daniel’s the Song of “Talbouta”

(ܦܘܫܩܐ ܥܠ ܙܡܪܬܐ ܕܜܠܒܘܬܐ)Contributing article by Dr. Arianne IshayaDr. Arianne Ishaya is a cultural anthropologist and a faculty member at the De Anza College in Cupertino, California. She has published several books and many article on the history of Assyrian...


By Obelit Yadgar(Photo Courtesy of Joseph Hakobi)Through the years I have had the joy of discovering, for myself, a cast of exciting Assyrian composers, arrangers and musicians. The Rev. Samuel Khangaldy, George Somi, Edwin Elieh, among others, comprise a lineup of...