Sargon Rameshk

Graphic Designer
Sargon Rameshk was born in Hamedan, Iran in 1953 where he was first introduced to visual arts. Early on in his life, he felt in love with oil painting and design and took every opportunity to showcase his passion for the visual arts. When he moved to Tehran, he started his career in finance and he became a CFO of one of the largest international transport companies in Iran.
Sargon never gave up on his passion for graphics and design. As technology began to change, Sargon began to educate himself on various computer software in order for him to stay current and able to design in the new ways. His love for his nation and his passion for visual arts made him is what motivate him to become the tireless designer that he is today.
Sargon Rameshk collaborated with Mesopotamian Night project since 2009, the same year he moved to the United States. He first participated as a vocalist with the Mesopotamia Choral Ensemble back in year 2009.
In 2014, Mesopotamian Night team were looking to create a logo for the project and announced a competition among Bay Area graphing designers to submit their work. Sargon’s design was the most impressive and end up being the official Mesopotamian Night’s logo that we have now.
In 2016, Sargon designed several stage backgrounds projector for our entire Program. Since then he has been in charge of the majority of our marketing designs as well as our event program book.
In early 2017, Sargon ability in creating and editing video clips was essential in making all of our previous video productions available on Vimeo On-Demand (Click here). Our fans from all over the world are now able to view and purchase every one of our concerts online. Sargon’s vast knowledge of the Adobe software has been a huge help to our mission.up on his passion
for graphics and design. Astechnology began to changethe visual arts, Sargonbegan to educate himselfon various computer softwares in order to be able todesign in the new ways. Hislove for his nation and hispassion for visual arts madehim the tireless designerhe is today. Sargon collab-orated with MesopotamianNight Project in 2009, thesame year he moved toUnited States. He hopesthat his collaborations withthe Mesopotamian night organization display histalent and hard work for he benefit of his nation.We appreciate Sargon Rameshk’s contribu-tions to Mesopotamian Night productions ashe dedicates his time and talent to the orga-nization free of charge. Mesopotamian Nightwishes him success in his artistic journey andthe very best in all of his future endeavors
Sargon hopes that his collaborations in Mesopotamian night would display his talent and hard work to benefit his Assyrian nation. We appreciate Sargon’s contributions to Mesopotamian Night productions as he dedicates his time and talent to the organization as a volunteer, free of any charge. Mesopotamian Night wishes him success in his artistic journey and the very best in all of his future endeavors.